Friday 29 May 2015

Daily Update--May 29/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

 --NOVEL WORK-- There is a layered curriculum assignment that goes with the novel. The handout explains which section they are to complete(one per week), with the last section due June 15th. It is imperative that they adhere to the timeframes allocated to them.

-- First layer is due Monday, June1st. I have suggested that they complete a chapter's work each night and that should keep them on schedule as they also have class time to work.

  --Reading calendars will be added up on Monday

Math--Unit test on Linear Equations will be Wednesday.
--10.4 in the textbook, page 398/399---questions #9,10 a and b, and in problem format #11 and 13 for Monday.

Science--Get unit test signed and returned to class. The Hopscotch/Crossword assignment is due Monday.

SS--Students should be working on their "World Fair" project.

8R--Science----Get unit test signed and returned to class.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday 28 May 2015

Daily Update--May 28/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

 --NOVEL WORK-- There is a layered curriculum assignment that goes with the novel. The handout explains which section they are to complete(one per week), with the last section due June 15th. It is imperative that they adhere to the timeframes allocated to them.

-- First layer is due Monday, June1st. I have suggested that they complete a chapter's work each night and that should keep them on schedule as they also have class time to work. Tonight's work should cover chapters 5 and 6.

  --Get reading calendars and vocabulary test signed.

Math--POW # 27 is due Friday.
--10.4 worksheet #9 and in the textbook, page 392---#8 for tomorrow.

Science--Get unit test signed and returned to class. The Hopscotch/Crossword assignment is due Monday.

SS--Students should be working on their "World Fair" project.

8R--Science----Get unit test signed and returned to class.
--Some students have not completed their hopscotch/crossword assignments yet!

Monday, 25 May 2015

Daily Update--May 25/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

--Students should have finished reading the class novel, I Am David by today.

-- There is a layered curriculum assignment that goes with the novel. The handout explains which section they are to complete(one per week), with the last section due June 15th. It is imperative that they adhere to the timeframes allocated to them.

-- First layer is due Monday, June1st. I have suggested that they complete a chapter's work each night and that should keep them on schedule as they also have class time to work.

  --Get reading calendars and vocabulary test signed.

Math--POW # 27 is due Friday.

Science--Get unit test signed and returned to class. The Hopscotch/Crossword assignment is due Friday.

SS--Students should be working on their "World Fair" project.

8R--Science----Get unit test signed and returned to class.

--Hopscotch/Crossword puzzle is due Wednesday, May 27th.

***Course selection sheets should be in the office.

****Tomorrow is our divisional Track Meet. Please dress appropriately for the day and bring sunscreen and a hat!

Friday, 22 May 2015

Daily Update--May 22/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

 --Cover jacket contest entries are due no later than Monday, May 25.

--We have started our next class novel which is I Am David. The students were given it on Wednesday, and they have until Monday to read it. There is a layered curriculum assignment that goes with the novel. The handout explains which section they are to complete(one per week), with the last section due June 15th. It is imperative that they adhere to the timeframes allocated to them.
First layer is due MOnday, June1st.

 --Get reading calendars and vocabulary test signed.


Science--Get unit test signed and returned to class.

SS--Students should be working on their "World Fair" project.

8R--Science----Get unit test signed and returned to class.

--Hopscotch/Crossword puzzle is due Wednesday, May 27th.

Enjoy the beautiful weekend!

Friday, 15 May 2015

Daily Update--May 15/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

- IRP oral presentations will be happening every day. PRACTICE!

 --Students who did not hand in the good copy of the Outsiders essay today must have it in on Tuesday.

--Get reading calendars and vocabulary test signed.


Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due Wednesday.

SS--Students have started work on their "World Fair" project.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due  Wednesday.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Daily Update--May 12/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

- IRP oral presentations will be happening every day. PRACTICE!

-- "Evidence of Learning" skit or music video will be presented every day.

--Students are working on the rough draft of their Outsiders essay. The rough draft of the essay should be completed for tomorrow so we can start typing our second rough draft. Essays will be due Friday, May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.


Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due next Wednesday.

SS--Students have started work on their "World Fair" project. A letter went home explaining the project. Students need to bring in a duo-tang for tomorrow.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due next Wednesday.

***We dissected the cows' eyes today. Ask the students about their experience!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Daily Update--May 11/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

- IRP oral presentations will be happening every day. PRACTICE!

-- "Evidence of Learning" skit or music video is due tomorrow. Remember that it must be typed.

--Students are working on the rough draft of their Outsiders essay. The rough draft of the essay should be completed for tomorrow so we can start typing our second rough draft. Essays will be due Friday, May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.

Math--10.2 textbook questions # 7, #9 a,b,c, #10 a,b,c ,#11, #12, and #16(in problem format) are due tomorrow.
--P.O.W # 25 is also due tomorrow.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due next Wednesday.

SS--Students have started work on their "World Fair" project. A letter went home today explaining the project.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due next Wednesday.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Daily Update--May 8, 2015

ELA--There is always daily reading.

--We will start presenting our IRPs on Monday. A rubric has been handed out.

-- "Evidence of Learning" skit or music video is due next week, Tuesday.

--Students are working on the rough draft of their Outsiders essay. The jot notes, intro paragraph, and two body paragraphs should be written for Monday. They have an outline which they can use or they can use any graphic organizer. Essay will be due around May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.

Math--10.2 worksheet questions # 1,2,3,7,8, and 12 are due Monday.
--P.O.W # 25 is due Tuesday.


Happy Mother's Day to all mothers!

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Daily Update--May 6, 2015

ELA--There is always daily reading.

--We will start presenting our IRPs on Monday. A rubric has been handed out.

-- "Evidence of Learning" skit or music video is due next week, Tuesday.

--Students are working on the rough draft of their Outsiders essay. The jot notes and intro paragraph should already be written. They have an outline which they can use or they can use any graphic organizer. Essay will be due around May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.

--Unit 8 vocabulary test will be written on Friday.


Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written tomorrow. A checklist has been given out. Students should be reviewing all concepts tonight.


8R Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written tomorrow. A checklist has been given out. Students should be reviewing all concepts tonight.

Badminton divisional tournament is tomorrow starting at 1pm and should be over around 6:30/7pm.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

ELA--There is always daily reading.

--The next IRP will be due no later than May 11th.

--Work on your "Evidence of Learning".

--Students need to begin jot notes on their chosen essay topic. They have an outline which they can use or they can use any graphic organizer. Essay will be due around May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.

--Unit 8 vocabulary test will be written on Friday.


Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written Thursday, May 7th. A checklist has been given out. Students should be reviewing a few concepts every night.

--The entire Test Review is due tomorrow.


8R Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written Thursday, May 7th. A checklist has been given out. Students should be reviewing a few concepts every night. Test Review questions are due tomorrow.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Daily Update--May 4, 2015

ELA--There is always daily reading.

--The next IRP will be due no later than May 11th.

--Work on your "Evidence of Learning".

--Students need to begin jot notes on their chosen essay topic. They have an outline which they can use or they can use any graphic organizer. Essay will be due around May 15th.

 Math--10.1 textbook questions #7 a and d, #11, 12, 13 b and c, #14 c and d, #15, 17 c and d and then in problem format #22 due Monday. (We did nit correct this assignment as we had extra Science today.)

Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written next Thursday, May 7th. A checklist has been given out. Students should start reviewing now (a few concepts every night).

--The Eye vs Camera and questions #1 to 5 on the Test Review are due tomorrow.

SS--Worksheets on "Meanings" and "Scavenger Hunt" are due Tuesday.

8R Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written next Thursday, May 7th. A checklist has been given out. Students should start reviewing now (a few concepts every night). Test Review questions #1 to 5 are due tomorrow.

***Badminton practice has been changed from tonight after school to tomorrow after school.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Daily Update--May 19/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

- IRP oral presentations will be happening every day. PRACTICE! Only 6 left to present.

 --Cover jacket contest entries are due no later than Monday, May 25.

--Get reading calendars and vocabulary test signed.

Math--10.3 textbook questions #8, 10 a and b, #11 c and d, #12 a and b, #13, and #14 ( in problem format) due tomorrow.
--POW #26 is due Friday.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due tomorrow.
--Get unit test signed and returned to class.

SS--Students should be working on their "World Fair" project.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due tomorrow.
--Get unit test signed and returned to class.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Daily Update--May 15/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

- IRP oral presentations will be happening every day. PRACTICE!

 --Students who did not hand in the good copy of the Outsiders essay today must have it in on Tuesday.

--Get reading calendars and vocabulary test signed.


Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due Wednesday.

SS--Students have started work on their "World Fair" project.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due  Wednesday.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Daily Update--May 12/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

- IRP oral presentations will be happening every day. PRACTICE!

-- "Evidence of Learning" skit or music video will be presented every day.

--Students are working on the rough draft of their Outsiders essay. The rough draft of the essay should be completed for tomorrow so we can start typing our second rough draft. Essays will be due Friday, May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.


Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due next Wednesday.

SS--Students have started work on their "World Fair" project. A letter went home explaining the project. Students need to bring in a duo-tang for tomorrow.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due next Wednesday.

***We dissected the cows' eyes today. Ask the students about their experience!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Daily Update--May 11/15

ELA--There is always daily reading.

- IRP oral presentations will be happening every day. PRACTICE!

-- "Evidence of Learning" skit or music video is due tomorrow. Remember that it must be typed.

--Students are working on the rough draft of their Outsiders essay. The rough draft of the essay should be completed for tomorrow so we can start typing our second rough draft. Essays will be due Friday, May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.

Math--10.2 textbook questions # 7, #9 a,b,c, #10 a,b,c ,#11, #12, and #16(in problem format) are due tomorrow.
--P.O.W # 25 is also due tomorrow.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due next Wednesday.

SS--Students have started work on their "World Fair" project. A letter went home today explaining the project.

Science--Work on your Healthy Habits poster project which will be due next Wednesday.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Daily Update--May 8, 2015

ELA--There is always daily reading.

--We will start presenting our IRPs on Monday. A rubric has been handed out.

-- "Evidence of Learning" skit or music video is due next week, Tuesday.

--Students are working on the rough draft of their Outsiders essay. The jot notes, intro paragraph, and two body paragraphs should be written for Monday. They have an outline which they can use or they can use any graphic organizer. Essay will be due around May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.

Math--10.2 worksheet questions # 1,2,3,7,8, and 12 are due Monday.
--P.O.W # 25 is due Tuesday.


Happy Mother's Day to all mothers!

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Daily Update--May 6, 2015

ELA--There is always daily reading.

--We will start presenting our IRPs on Monday. A rubric has been handed out.

-- "Evidence of Learning" skit or music video is due next week, Tuesday.

--Students are working on the rough draft of their Outsiders essay. The jot notes and intro paragraph should already be written. They have an outline which they can use or they can use any graphic organizer. Essay will be due around May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.

--Unit 8 vocabulary test will be written on Friday.


Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written tomorrow. A checklist has been given out. Students should be reviewing all concepts tonight.


8R Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written tomorrow. A checklist has been given out. Students should be reviewing all concepts tonight.

Badminton divisional tournament is tomorrow starting at 1pm and should be over around 6:30/7pm.

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

ELA--There is always daily reading.

--The next IRP will be due no later than May 11th.

--Work on your "Evidence of Learning".

--Students need to begin jot notes on their chosen essay topic. They have an outline which they can use or they can use any graphic organizer. Essay will be due around May 15th.

--Get reading calendars signed.

--Unit 8 vocabulary test will be written on Friday.


Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written Thursday, May 7th. A checklist has been given out. Students should be reviewing a few concepts every night.

--The entire Test Review is due tomorrow.


8R Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written Thursday, May 7th. A checklist has been given out. Students should be reviewing a few concepts every night. Test Review questions are due tomorrow.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Daily Update--May 4, 2015

ELA--There is always daily reading.

--The next IRP will be due no later than May 11th.

--Work on your "Evidence of Learning".

--Students need to begin jot notes on their chosen essay topic. They have an outline which they can use or they can use any graphic organizer. Essay will be due around May 15th.

 Math--10.1 textbook questions #7 a and d, #11, 12, 13 b and c, #14 c and d, #15, 17 c and d and then in problem format #22 due Monday. (We did nit correct this assignment as we had extra Science today.)

Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written next Thursday, May 7th. A checklist has been given out. Students should start reviewing now (a few concepts every night).

--The Eye vs Camera and questions #1 to 5 on the Test Review are due tomorrow.

SS--Worksheets on "Meanings" and "Scavenger Hunt" are due Tuesday.

8R Science--  A unit test on Optics will be written next Thursday, May 7th. A checklist has been given out. Students should start reviewing now (a few concepts every night). Test Review questions #1 to 5 are due tomorrow.

***Badminton practice has been changed from tonight after school to tomorrow after school.